Cllr Rowan Cozens - Newark and Sherwood District Council (Beacon) Deputy Leader Portfolio Holder for Heritage Culture & The Arts

“It has been an amazing few days! Now the dust is settling and we have work to do. It feels good to think about getting on with the job at hand. My colleagues are amazing - a truly inspirational bunch of people with the common goal to serve the people of Newark and Sherwood in the District Council. Together, we will ensure that the whole political culture is positive and cooperative.

We will support and respect one another, and always make decisions in the best interests of those who have given us this great responsibility and honour. Thank you for your faith and trust in us, it means everything.

I grew up in Bingham, Notts. My working life in music and education has taken me across the world, I offer a wider perspective to the town having lived and worked elsewhere. I was very happy to make Newark my permanent home and a place to bring up my son over 20 years ago. I very much enjoy walking my dogs all around the area.

I'm deeply passionate about providing education and opportunities for children and young people, particularly in the arts. Access to arts subjects encourages creative thinking and is a pivotal part of development and well-being.

I value the unique aspects of our lovely town with its beautiful buildings and historic Town Hall, overlooking our splendid marketplace. Our independent shops and businesses add character to Newark, they need increased support from our authorities to thrive in an increasingly competitive market. We also need to urgently address antisocial behaviour in creative, proactive ways, providing young people with something worthwhile to do which gives them hope for their future. We all need to feel safe and comfortable going out at night.

I want to first investigate our very high council tax charge. Councils’ spending must be fully transparent, accountable, sensible and justified; no vanity projects or failed development schemes that waste our hard-earned council tax payments.

I will prioritise improving and promoting Newark as a destination town in the way that Stamford, Lincoln and Warwick have succeeded in becoming. Historic and cultural Newark has so much to offer. I have many ideas about how we can make our tourist offer richer. This includes; easier access, a fully-functioning tourist information office in the centre and varied arts and cultural events to suit every purse.

Fresh faces and new, independent voices in our local councils will bring expertise and innovative solutions to draw income into Newark and the wider District. Most importantly, that wealth must be kept in our communities. Cooperation and teamwork are key to solving problems and bringing about positive change, whereas adversarial party politics get in the way.

We have an admirable and varied skill set for improving the performance of our councils. We can all retain our independent views and will always vote with our conscience.

Local democracy is so important because it has an everyday impact on all our lives. Sadly, it often feels as though politicians are too remote from the people they represent. I will communicate in open, accessible ways. We need to remove the suspicion that deals are done behind closed doors, with little scrutiny, preventing the accountability and transparency to which ordinary people are entitled.

I pledge my commitment to do the very best for you and your community.


This first year of being a Councillor has been a whirlwind of activity and а steep learning curve negotiating the complexities of local governance. Working together with fellow Labour and LibDem Councillors on the District Council makes for days full of lively debate. I am so proud of all our IfND Councilors and of being part of the new movement that represents residents from the ground up. 

As a collective team, with officers at Castle House, we have moved the debate more towards tackling the climate crisis, considering the legacy for the next generation, and speaking out about local issues like healthcare and flooding. We are working hard to give all residents access to art and culture, improving the quality of day-to-day life by advocating for green space and recreational opportunities. It is a huge privilege to hold this public role and once again I thank all supporters for their belief in our group and our values.

Rowan Cozens working for a thriving, fairer and safer Newark. 

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