This week marks the launch of Independents for Newark (IfN) - a new community campaign group offering the people of Newark a new way ahead. The group will unite and support independent candidates to stand in the May 2023 Town and District council elections.

IfN candidates share a vision of how Newark can benefit from electing representatives who will act in the best interests of the town, free from the pressures of party politics.

IfN emerged from the success of the Stop the Chop campaign led by the community group Protect Newark’s Green Spaces. Newark and Sherwood District Council’s decision to destroy the library garden to extend an unnecessary car park was challenged and reversed, protecting an urban green oasis, including four mature trees.

An offshoot of this community achievement – IfN is a growing group of passionate people using their time, skills and experience to support like-minded independent candidates to successfully run for Town and District Councils on 4 May 2023.

This new campaign group includes local people from all walks of life: carers, teachers, small business owners, cleaners, barristers, artists, engineers, journalists, public speakers and event managers; most of all they are ordinary local people who want to make a difference.

IfN believes that fresh faces and new voices will improve the performance of local councils and result in the best outcomes for Newark communities and their future. 

The group’s first event will be a voter registration stall in Newark Market Place on Saturday 22nd October 9-3 pm. Turnout in local elections is typically very low, so IfN is encouraging all residents from all demographics to register to vote, enabling them to use their vote to elect councillors they believe will best represent their interests and concerns.

Information will be available on how to register to vote and people can register online at the stall. IfN members will also be explaining why they believe that adversarial party politics at a local level is detrimental to Newark’s economy, environment and the wellbeing of residents.

Regular stalls are planned as a forum for local people to put forward their views and opinions on a wide range of issues and the campaign group looks forward to many interesting conversations.

“Many passionate individuals are determined to help Newark rise above the current challenges and create a healthier, cleaner and safer Newark, ensuring that the most vulnerable are not left behind. Having lived, worked and brought up families in Newark, we all understand the challenges here. We are ready to listen to and act on behalf of our neighbours, our community and our town” said Rowan Cozens, a spokesperson for IfN. 

IfN is providing a safe and supportive platform for potential independent candidates, assisting them to navigate the world of local political campaigning, raising their profile and helping build their connections. A new website has been launched to provide this support and provides a full outline of IfN’s mission and ethos. 

If you want to stand, support or vote for Independents in the May 2023 elections, please visit www.independentsfornewark.co.uk


Notes to editors:

●      Independents now control six councils across England in Middlesbrough, Nottinghamshire, Essex, Surrey and East Devon, and hold the balance of power in several more.

●       In Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, 30 out of 35 seats on the District Council in 2019 were won by the Ashfield Independents, just four years after forming a group.

●       In 2019, independents had a massive breakthrough, making over 650 gains. They now make up about 13% of all local councillors in England and Wales

●       32 local councils are led by an Independent, according to the Local Government Association. A further 34 further councils have Independents or smaller parties playing roles in the administration.
